The coronavirus closures can create an opportunity for nonprofits to learn about and implement new tools and ideas to positively impact fundraising. 

Say, what?

Yes, that’s right. Panic attacks begone! 

There are a lot of great things that can come from a time when we’re all required to slow down because schools and businesses are closed and we’re doing our best to self-isolate. 

While some of you may come from nonprofits who support basic needs or healthcare issues directly impacted by the coronavirus, and you may be actively responding to the crisis at a running pace – others have really no direct ties to the communities in need. 

But, that doesn’t mean to just sit still and despair over a hopeless future.

Here are some great examples of the opportunities that your nonprofit can embrace:

This is also a great time to revisit your nonprofit’s story and content strategy. 

Here are some easy things you can do despite being unable to go into public to shape your story and organize the corresponding fundraising strategy.  

Send surveys or schedule phone interviews with people you’ve served

When you’re in the day-to-day of managing your nonprofit, there are alot of tasks to juggle. Oftentimes, the things that are prioritized are those that directly impact the programs and the people served by them. 

This certainly makes sense; but, what we need to remember is that we have more funds to fuel those programs when we can better articulate how people are helped by that work.

Now that social interaction is limited, take some time to follow up with program participants and learn their story. If you have a database of e-mail addresses, spend 10 minutes putting together a survey they can complete online. You can also call some of these individuals to ask those exact survey questions, which may result in some eye-opening stories that will even surprise you about your impact.

Make sure you find a place that is organized among your files to save the results of these surveys and interviews. Leverage the conversations and survey submissions to prepare testimonials, short social media posts or blog stories about your impact. While some of these may not be relevant to share during this time of crisis, it will be so useful to have this story available and ready to share when coronavirus is behind us.

Structure a narrative that includes the most compelling pieces of your story

Take a look at some of your recent fundraising appeals, brochures, blog posts and social media posts. If you were creating these over again, what would you change? Are all angles of your story covered? Or are key details missing?

For more on fine-tuning your narrative, ready this blog on the 2 Key Skills for Writing a Convincing Grant Proposal which can also apply to really anything you write about your nonprofit.

Follow these simple steps to create a grant system that will actually work for your organization.

You’ve been talking about applying for grants for such a long time, but getting started is just overwhelming. With some of your day-to-day work now halted, consider this the perfect time to get started setting up your system.

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