About Presence&Company

Our Mission

To deliver impactful fundraising stories into the hands of every nonprofit we meet.

Presence&Company opens doors for nonprofits to create more impact. We re-energize your fundraising approach with strong case statements and foundational funding strategies.

This is the essence of High Tide Fundraising!

It is our goal that every nonprofit we meet understands how to effectively share its story to establish funding for years to come. We work side-by-side with your team to develop the strategies and systems that fit best with your organization.

We are a development agency that helps your nonprofit establish its PRESENCE in the way your organization represents its work and communicates that to the world. What follows is a high tide … an abundance of COMPANY in the volunteers, donors and supporters that enable your cause to thrive.

Our Character …

   Amiable      Sincere       Diligent      Generous      Gentle      Reliable   

Frozen. On a mattress, on a hospital room floor, I sat staring at my then just days old daughter, born 4 weeks early. I hoped desperately that this premature life would be perfectly healthy, while worrying about trouble looming elsewhere in my family. Two days later, my 3-year-old nephew was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Cancer.

In that moment, the fragility of life grew so obvious. I felt something was out of alignment, but struggled to find the courage to understand why. I remember as a little girl spending hours creating novels, etching adventures page after page into piles of notebooks. As I grew up, this passion led me to pursue a degree in journalism. Then, I worked at a variety of newspapers – freelance and full-time, traditional and online.

Lyssa SchmidtAt the time, I owner a digital marketing firm, but I wasn’t creating any of the copy for our clients. I had stopped writing.

After my daughter was born and my nephew diagnosed, I created a regular routine of writing again. I connected with a pediatric cancer nonprofit and volunteered to help the organization better write its story. I started freelance gigs, with one nonprofit after another. Story after inspiring story came to the surface.

I went on like that for a few years, by day feeling stuck as the owner of a digital marketing firm not aligned with my dreams, and by night pursuing my passion to tell impactful stories. In 2018, I launched Presence&Company Development Agency and soon after I sold my marketing firm.

Now, I embrace my own purpose: to make a difference for organizations through my storytelling and writing talents. I truly want to make a difference for your organization, and compelling writing is my way to do that. I would love to learn more about your story, and look forward to sharing your purpose.

Meet the Team


A purposeful presence is of utmost importance to creating good, in a variety of ways:

Present: in the way we must strategize and create to present a story.

Presence: in the way that we are purposefully present and active in the impact we create and the story we tell about it.

Presents: in the way we use our altruistic values through philanthropy & positive impact.

& Company isn’t just an add-on. This piece is important in the way we nurture meaningful relationships – to keep us company and drive our impact.
